


包括国家;日本 、韩国、中国大陆、香港、马来西亚、菲律宾、印尼、新加坡、美国、加拿大、墨西哥、智利、巴布亚新几内亚、秘鲁、澳洲、纽西兰、文莱查询方式: 1.依分类章节目录 2.依H.S. Code代码或关税标题 3.依字母A~Z排序之关税标题名称 4.依产品描述

包括国家:比利时、丹麦、德国、希腊、西班牙、法国、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、荷兰、奥地利、葡萄牙、芬兰、瑞典、英国查询方式: 1.依分类章节或直接输入TARIC CODE 2.依产品描述 以上,有点时间了就供大家参考吧


Duty and VAT must be paid on all items intended
to be left in the United Kingdom and that are in
excess of your personal Customs Allowance.
The list below gives the duty and VAT rates that
will be charged on personal importations into the
United Kingdom. The rates shown are the full rates
that will be charged. Some items, depending on where
they are manufactured or obtained,  may be subject
to a lower rate of duty.

This list is not a complete index of the Customs
Tariff, just a list of the more frequent items declared to
 our Officers.

Please note, commercial goods may have other
conditions applied, including the need for a full C88
Customs Import entry for values over £600.

If you have to pay Duty and VAT on items in excess
of your personal Customs Allowance, the amount
you will be charged is based on the how much you
paid for them, including any local taxes. This is called
the Purchase Price Abroad (PPA). If the items were
given to you as a gift or a present, you still have to pay
duty and VAT on them. In these circumstances the value
 of the item is used in the calculations. If you do not know
the value of the items, the Customs Officer may have to
detain them for valuation. The Officer will explain this in
more detail to you at the time. For the purposes of the
 example given below, we have used the Purchase
Price Abroad (PPA).

To work out how much you will have to pay please
follow the steps below:

Look up the item’s Duty Rate % and VAT %.
Multiply the Purchase Price Abroad (PPA) by the Duty
Rate %. This gives you the amount of Duty to be paid.
Call this AMOUNT A.
Add AMOUNT A to the PPA and multiply the result by the
VAT %. This will give you the amount of VAT to be paid.
Call this AMOUNT B.
Add AMOUNTS A & B together and that will be how
much you have to pay.
For example:

You have to pay duty & VAT on some Compact Discs.
The total cost of these CDs, including local taxes,
was £100 sterling. Following the steps above:

The Duty Rate is 3.5% and VAT is 17.5%.
£100 x 3.5% = £3.50. This is AMOUNT A.
£100 + £3.50 = £103.50 x 17.5% = £18.11.
This is AMOUNT B.
£3.50 + £18.11 = £21.61.
You would pay a total of £21.61. 

